Page 4 - Imtra_lighting
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                         What you should know before choosing your                lights.

          When you are looking to buy an LED light for your boat, it is more like buying a new TV or computer than “just a light”.
          LED fixtures include circuit boards and a host of technologies that enhance performance and ensure that they will
          maintain that performance for many years. Here’s what you need to know before you buy:

          Color Choice                                          Color Consistency
          LED lights are offered in a wide range of colors. Some fixtures even  Now that you have chosen which color is right for you, make sure
          offer multiple colors from the same fixture. Unlike older technologies  that your manufacturer is able to consistently deliver products with
          such as halogen and incandescent, LEDs can come in a range of    matching colors from fixture to fixture. In LED manufacturing, there
          different tones of white (as well as colors like red, blue or green).    is a process called binning which is the process of separating LEDs
          The shade of white you choose is important as it will have a major    based on their characteristics and assigning them a specific bin code.
          effect on how spaces feel - and how objects appear. This is called   Proper binning ensures a high level of color consistency. For Imtra
          “color temperature” which is a measurement in degrees Kelvin (K)   products, we choose from very specific bins so we can be confident
          that indicates the color hue of a specific type of white light source.  that all the lights we deliver meet a rigid color consistency protocol.

                           Kelvin Scale                                        0.44                       2700K  2600K
                                                                               0.43                   3000K  2900K
                     Daylight  8000K                                           0.42                     8B  8C
                                                                                                     7C      BBL
                                    Imtra Cool White                           0.42       4000K  3700K  6C  7B
                     Sunlight  5600K  (6400K)                                  0.40     4300K  6B   7D  8A  8D
                                                                               0.39    4500K  5C  6D  7A
                                                                      Binning  CCv  0.38  5000K  4750K  5B  6A
               Office Fluorescent  4000K  Imtra Neutral White                  0.37  5300K  4B  4C  5A  5D
           Balanced Studio Lights  3200K  (4000K)                              0.36  3B  3D 3C  4A  4D
                  Incandescent  2800K  Imtra Warm                              0.35  3A
                  Candle Flame  1800K  (2850K)                                 0.33 0.33  0.34  0.35  0.36  0.37  0.38  0.39  0.40  0.41  0.42  0.43  0.44  0.45  0.46  0.47  0.48  0.49
          Thermal Management                                    Warranty & Reliability
          While it is accurate that well-designed LED fixtures radiate no heat    It is important to choose your LED manufacturer as carefully as you
          into an illuminated space, it does not mean that heat is not generated   choose your fixtures. Make sure that you understand what level of
          within the fixture at all. A small amount of conducted heat is a    support you can expect in case you have a problem.  At Imtra, we
          by-product of the process through which LEDs convert electrical   proudly stand behind every product we sell. You can find detailed
          energy into light. To achieve the high output and reliability desired   information about our product warranties on page 63.
          for marine LED fixtures, this heat must be moved away from the LED
          through some sort of thermal management or heat-sinking within
          the fixture. Each manufacturer does this in different ways, so be sure
          to inquire how it is accomplished before you make a purchase.

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