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i70s Instrument                                                               Micro-Talk Gateway                     Wireless for Cruising
               Raymarine’s i70s instrument offers maximum   i70s receives information from connected   The Micro-Talk Wireless Performance Sailing   Raymarine’s wireless instrument systems offer
               visibility and versatility in an instrument display.   SeaTalk  or NMEA2000 sensors and devices.   Gateway allows you the flexibility to mix-  instant access to accurate depth, wind, speed
               Built with a 4.1” colour LCD display the i70s has   i70s can also network with i50, i60 and   and-match any combination of wired or   and GPS data. The displays are simple to install,
               all-weather optical bonding and bright LED back   Raymarine Wireless instrument systems.   wireless Raymarine instruments, transducers,   solar powered, and use Micronet wireless
               lighting for excellent viewing day or night.                                  multifunction displays and autopilots. Whether   networking to communicate. Micronet MN100
                                                      The i70s features a glass-bridge inspired design   you are building a new system from scratch, or   series instruments include single line, dual-line
               The i70s has fully customisable pages capable of   that complements Axiom multifunction displays.   expanding an existing system, the Micro-Talk   and analogue wind display options. A wide
               showing digital, analogue and graphical displays.   Optional snap-on bezels are also available to   Gateway enables performance-minded sailors to   selection of optional transducers, sensors and
               Use your i70s to show parameters for depth,   match other Raymarine instrument and    take advantage of the enhanced accuracy and   accessories are available to customise
               speed, wind, GPS, AIS, navigation, engine data,   MFD families.               installation convenience offered by Raymarine’s   your system.
               tank levels, environmental data, and much more.                               wireless, solar-powered wind transmitter options.


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