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Light Bulbs                                             61

                                                     Sealed Beam Bulbs

                                                                                              92mm    150mm

                                                                    2 Lugs Right Angle (RA)

                   PAR-36                                                               H9405S                        LIGHT BULBS
               Multi-Purpose (M-P)
                  2-Screw or
                Slip-On Terminals

                                                     PAR-56             Multi-Purpose (M-P)
                                                                           2-Screw or
                                                                        Slip-On Terminals      Multi-Purpose (M-P)
                                                                                                  3-Screw or
                                                                                                Slip-On Terminals
                                                          FIG 4333
                  F = Flood, S = Spot, H = Halogen, M-P = Multi-Purpose (meaning base is designed to accept both slip-on and screw lugs).
                                               Type/                                                Type/
              No.      Each  Volts Watts  Diam.  Screws†  C.P.    No.     Each  Volts Watts  Diam.  Screws†  C.P.
              4410F   $37.65  12.8  35  4-1/2"  PAR36/2   600     4700FS $16.25   13   100   4-1/2"  PAR36/3 100,000
              4416S    20.35  12.8  30  4-1/2"  PAR36/2  35,000                                           to 50,000
              4502F    34.00  28   50  4-1/2"  PAR36/2  10,000    H7604S  47.35  12.8  50    4-1/2"  PAR36/2 100,000
              4545S*   20.50  12  100     7"  PAR56/2  240,000    H7614F  17.75  12.8  50    4-1/2"  PAR36/2  2,000
                                                                  H9405S  17.75  12.8  50  6"x3-1/2"  150 mm/ 100,000
                                                                                                   2 Lugs RA
              †All are multipurpose for both slip-on and screw lug, except H9405S which is 2 lugs right angle
              *Shielded bulb

                                      Perko Solar-Ray and ACR Searchlight Bulbs
                                                  Incandescent and Halogen

                                                    T-44               2-Pin
                                 T-10                                                   Prefocus

                                                          FIG 3052

              For Perko 800 series 10", 12" and 14" lights. To give good results, the bulb and reflector must be perfectly compatible. Therefore, be
              sure to specify the number of the bulb desired.
                                                                            Bulb        Searchlight
              No.       Each      Volts     Watts            Base          Shape         Size No.     Candle-power
              342-4    $46.15      120        60         Med. Prefocus      T-10        Nav. Light         —
                                                    QUARTZ TUNGSTEN HALOGEN
              For a more concentrated beam, longer distance, brighter lights and longer life use these bulbs. A1 Series bulbs fit ACR searchlights
              RCL100 and RCL50 — See Fig. 6589.
                                                                            Bulb        Searchlight
              No.       Each      Volts     Watts            Base          Shape         Size No.     Candle-power
              6001     $146.90     12         55         2-Pin Prefocus    T-3.25        RCL-100        100,000*
              6002      77.20      12         55          Clip Prefocus    T-44          RCL-50          80,000*
              6003     146.90      24         55         2-Pin Prefocus    T-3.25        RCL-100        100,000*
              *These candlepowers are after the bulb has been reflected.
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