Page 33 - Vetus
P. 33
Engine model VF4.145E VF4.180E VF4.200E
Gearbox reduction 1,54:1 2:1 2,47:1 1,26:1 1,51:1 2:1 2,5:1 3:1 1,26:1 1,51:1 2:1 2,5:1 3:1
VETUS lubricated sterngear systems
* Shaft diam., Duplex 1-4462, 30 35 35 30 35 35 40 40 30 35 35 40 40
VETUS manganese bronze propeller
* 4 or 5-blade on request
VETUS flexible couplings, to be selected
* Bullflex type 8 12 8 8/12 12 12/16 8 8/12 12 12/16
VETUS intermediate flange between gearbox and flexible coupling
* type, suitable for Technodrive gearboxes: TM345(A): CT50086 TM485(A): CT50009 TM485(A): CT50009
* type, suitable for ZF gearboxes (not V-drive).: ZF45: CT50068 ZF45A: CT50009 ZF45A: CT50009
* type, suitable for ZF gearbox for Bullflex 32: n/a n/a n/a
VETUS water strainer
* hose connection diam. inches (mm) 1 /4” (32mm)
* water strainer, type FTR470, FTR330 or CWS: FTR47032 or 330/32 / CWS1¼
* water strainer installation kit WKIT33032
VETUS fuel filter/water separator
* hose connection suction/return in inches (mm) 5 /16” (8mm) - /16” (8mm)
* fuel filter/water separator, type 75340VTEB or 340VTEB
VETUS exhaust system with water injection
* exhaust hose, diam. inches (mm) 3 /2”90
* waterlock, type NLP / MV / MF or MGP
* gooseneck, type LT9090
* transom connection type TRC 90SV or PV/TC90
* anti-siphon, type ASD or AIRVENT V or H
VETUS engine remote control
* type A mechanical remote control or an electronic remote control can be used with our VF engines
VETUS maintenance free batteries
* voltage 12V
* start battery, Ah min. 120 Ah, max. 200 Ah
* light battery, Ah to be selected
VETUS louvered air suction vents
* per engine, type ASV, SSV or SSVL 4 x 70 2 x 80 + 2 x 90 / 2 x 90+ 2 x 100 2 x 80 + 2 x 90 / 2 x 90+ 2 x 100
Selection table EC3/4 electronic remote control for VETUS VF Engines
1st position = throttle, 2nd position = gearbox 1 Engine 2 Engines 1 Engine 2 Engines
M = Mechanical, E = Electrical M/M M/M M/E M/E
EC3/4 remote control
EC3/4 handle for 1 engine, without trim EC3H1/EC4H1( R ) 1 xx 1 xx
EC3/4 handle for 2 engines, without trim EC3H2/4H2 xx 1 xx 1
EC3/4 handle for 1 engine, with trim EC3HT1/4HT1 1 xx 1 xx
EC3/4 handle for 2 engines, with trim EC3HT2/4HT2 xx 1 xx 1
VETUS control box
Control box, engine electronic, gearbox electrical, with trim 12V EC312EE xx xx 1 1
Control box, engine electronic, gearbox electrical, with trolling 12V EC312EET xx xx 1 1
Control box, 1 engine electronic, gearbox mechanical, no trim 12V EC312EM1 1 xx xx xx
Control box, 2 engines electronic, gearbox mechanical, no trim 12V EC312EM2 xx 1
Control box, 1 engine electronic, gearbox mechanical, with trim 12V EC312EMT1 1 xx
Control box, 2 engines electronic, gearbox mechanical, with trim 12V EC312EMT2 xx 1
Required cables
Can-bus cable control box -> control head 3/5/10 m DTCAN3/5/10M 1 1 1 1
Extension can-bus cable DTCAN30M Optional
Can-bus T-piece CANT Optional
Push/pull cable CABLE/CABLF 1 2 xx xx
Cable from EC312EE to trim/trolling, length 2m EC3T2 xx xx 1 2
Cable from control box EC**EE to gearbox L=3m 6 wire ECG3/6
Cable from control box EC**EE to gearbox L=5m 6 wire ECG5/6
Cable from control box EC**EE to gearbox L=7m 6 wire ECG7/6
Cable from control box to VF engine, length 2m EC3E3M 1 2
Creators of Boat Systems 33