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140                 Marine Antenna Accessories

                                         Marine Antenna Bases and Accessories
                                                         FIG 3523b
                                                          Full Page
                                                                                           407 Heavy-Duty 4-Way Mount
                                                                                           Antenna Base is chrome-plat-
                                                                                           ed  brass.  Built  to  support
                                                                                           large whips during extreme
                                                                                           weather. Permits deck or bulk-
                                                                                           head  mounting.  Mounting
                                                                                           screws INCLUDED. Has stan-
                                                                                           dard 1"-14 threads.
                    4008 Antenna Extension                                                   No.         Each
                    is heavy-duty 8-foot, 1-                                                 407        $89.65
                    1/2" fiberglass mast with  408 Stand-Off Bracket INCLUDES inserts
                    reinforced cores. Chrome  to accommodate 1", 1-1/4" and 1-1/2"
                    brass  ferrule.  1"-14  diameter antennas. Constructed of high-
                    threaded end.         impact nylon with chrome-plated hard-
                                          ware. Mounting screws INCLUDED.                 S1802 Stainless Steel Ratchet
                      No.       Each            No.           Each                        Antenna Base can be adjusted
                      4008     $220.20         408           $29.50                       up to 210° fore and aft and side
                                                                                          to side but will fold down when
                                                                                           not  in  use.  The  threaded
                                                                                            mount has a center hole for
                                                                                              center wire mounting. Fits
                                                                                               antennas with standard
                                                                                               1"-14 thread. Base: 2-1/2"
                                                                                              x  3-5/8". Use with anten-
                                                                                         nas up to 15'. S1802B Heavy-Duty
                                                                                Stainless Steel Ratchet Antenna Base is a
              Flange Mount for GPS antennas - moderate                          beefed up, heavy-duty version of the S1802.
              duty, low profile, 1" high with standard 1"-14                     Same as S1802 but will accommodate your
              male threads. For GPS, TV, and shorter                            larger antennas in excess of 20 ft.
              antennas. Nylon.                                                  No.      Each  Description
                  No.         Each                 81S stainless steel swivel mount is  S1802  $87.40  Ratchet Base
                  4711        $8.20                for deck or side mounting when  S1802B  110.60  Heavy-Duty Ratchet Base
                                                   used with an upper support brack-
                                                   et. Base is dual joint, free- pivot-
                                                   ing, and allows easy lowering of
                                                   antenna. Standard 1"-14 thread.
                                                       No.         Each         Rail Mount Stainless Steel
                                                       81S        $107.15       Ratchet Antenna Base is
                                                                                made of 316 stainless steel
                                                                                construction. Designed for
                                                                                quick and easy installation
              This 414 shim kit for ratchet mounts is made
              of heavy-duty rubber. It has four shims, two                      on 7/8" & 1" rails. Features
              each with front/back and side/side slope. Each                    a feed-through provision
              shim adds a half-notch (5˚) tilt. Stack them for                  for Loran cable.
              extra height or for compound angles.                                No.      Each
                       No.           4 Pk.                                        4190    $70.40
                       414           $12.80

                                                                                            Ratchet-Mount  Antenna
                                                   4705 Threaded Adapter is a stain-        Base is high-impact nylon.
                                                   less steel 1"-14 thread pipe adapter     All stainless steel 3/8" nut,
                           4" S/S Straight-Mount - 4"  that slips onto a 1" diameter pipe   bolt,  washer  hardware.
                           high, 1"-14 thread stainless  and attaches with set screws.      Standard 1"-14 threads.
                           steel  mount.  Perfect  for  No.       Each                      No.   Each    Material
                           radar arches. May be used   4705      $19.50                     S1805 $14.35 White Nylon
                           with 4364 extension mast.
                             No.         Each
                             4365       $38.40

                                                                             4187 and 4187HD Stainless Steel Ratchet Antenna
                                 3001 Stainless Steel                        Base has Versatile four-way ratchet design for
                                 Rail Base is adjust-                        deck or side mounting. Quick-action handle makes
                                 able to 20° for 7/8"                        operation easy. They have 5/16"-bolt holes, 3" x 1-
                            and 1" rails. 1"-14 thread.                      1/2" on center, standard 1"-14 thread. (male) and
                            Open base allows passage                         9/32" hole for cable feed-through.
                            of coaxial cables.                               No.     Each   Description
                               No.        Each                               4187   $63.70  Ratchet Base
                               3001      $32.30                              4187HD  86.45  Heavy-Duty Ratchet Base
                                                For Coaxial Cable — See Fig. 9423
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