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4     Lewis Marine Policies & General Information

                                         CATALOG NUMBER 5519

                WHOLESALE SALES                                  are authorized to do so. Without proper authorization, mer-
                                                                 chandise  will  not  be  allowed  to  leave  the  LMS  premises
              LMS sells its products and provides service to its approved
              wholesale customers through either a “Trade Account” or  unless it is paid by cash or credit card. Driver’s license iden-
              a “General Account.” Trade Accounts are available to the  tification is required on all counter sales.
              following trade classes:
                                                                 ANNUAL REVIEW
              (D) DEALERS    (M) MANUFACTURERS (E) EXPORTERS     All accounts will be reviewed annually for viability. Discounts,
              A. Marine Stores A. Boat           A. Selling directly   sales territories and deliveries could be changed to conform to
              B. New Boats   B. Marine Accessory   to countries   company  policies  on  all  accounts  not  meeting  the  minimun
              C. Marine Engine C. Sailmaker        other than the   requirements and/or having no activity for a 12-month period.
              D. Dry Storage                       United States
                                                                 SHIPPING/DELIVERY/WILL CALL
              (Y) YARDS      (I) INDEPENDENTS*                   Customers may specify that they “Will Call” for ordered mer-
              A. Full Service  A. Refinishers                     chandise; otherwise, customers must provide specific ship-
                             B. Mobile Operators with a          ping or delivery instructions. If this is not done, LMS will use
                                business address                 its own judgement in selecting the method and route for ship-
                             C. Mobile Mechanics
                                                                 ping. Please refer to the LMS catalog for information about
                                                                 shipping when ordering. Except for open account customers,
              General Accounts are available to all other approved wholesale  shipment, delivery or will call pick up of the ordered mer-
              account customers.
                                                                 chandise will be made only after payment is received by cred-
                                                                 it card or in cleared funds. A representative of the customer
              *NOTE: Independent operators must have a bona fide place  must sign for shipped or delivered merchandise.
               of business and address. Wholesale trade recognition will be  HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND DANGEROUS GOODS will
               determined by a full explanation of your type and place of  be subject to packing and shipping surcharges.
                                                                 DAMAGE IN TRANSIT
                                                                 LMS  packing  is  expertly  done  with  consideration  given  to
              All Accounts must be approved after written application on a  type of article and carrier. Should damages occur to goods
              LMS  account  application  form.  LMS  reserves  the  right,  at  shipped by a common carrier then the customer shall notify
              anytime, in its sole discretion, to terminate, cancel, modify,  the carrier of such damage at the time of delivery and the
              restrict, limit, or otherwise amend the terms of any account.  customer shall be responsible to make and pursue a damage
              General accounts may be restricted or refused once estab-  claim against such carrier in compliance with the details on
              lished if LMS determines in its sole discretion that service to  the freight bill. LMS is not responsible for third-party com-
              the  General  Account  holder  will  interfere  with  any  Trade  mon carrier fright damage. Should damage occur to goods in
              Account relationship.
                                                                 transit delivered by LMS delivery vehicles, then immediately
                                                                 notify the driver or the LMS customer service department at
              OPEN ACCOUNT TERMS
                                                                 the time of delivery.
              It is the policy of LMS to reserve open account privileges to
              credit  worthy  customers  that  have  been  established  for  a  ORDERS
              period greater then twelve (12) months. Account balances  Unless otherwise specified, all items not shipped are consid-
              are due and payable by the 15th of the month. Payments  ered cancelled.
              received in full payment of an open account balance by the
              15th of the month following purchase, if paid by check or  INTERNET, E-MAIL, PHONE, FAX AND REGULAR MAIL ORDERS
              cash, shall receive a 2% discount. Balances that are due but
              not paid by the 25th day of the month following the date of  The first concern of LMS is to fill orders accurately and quick-
              the account statement shall be subject to interest calculated  ly. To help attain this your cooperation in using the LMS cat-
              from the 25th day of said following month to the date of pay-  alog to express quantity, figure number, manufacturers num-
              ment at the rate of 1.5% per month. And, the account may  ber, finish, size, voltage, color, etc. is needed. Please include
              be changed to a C.O.D. only account.               your LMS account number.

              LMS will not accept personal checks for payment. All checks  SPECIAL ORDERS
              submitted for processing must be in the name of the account  LMS is happy to place special orders as needed when cus-
              held at LMS. Any returned check may place an account on per-  tomers  require  part  numbers  that  LMS  does  not  stock.  If
              manent cash only, and may incur a $25.00 handling charge.  these parts are needed in a hurry and cannot be included
                                                                 with a factory stock order, the customer will be expected to
              WILL CALL AND COUNTER SALES ON OPEN ACCOUNT        pay the additional charges incurred, such as phone, freight,
              All customers desiring to pick up merchandise at the “Will  or drop ship charges. All special orders require payment in
              Call” or “Counter Sales” area that is to be charged on open  full at time the order is placed. Special Order merchandise
              account shall designate in writing to LMS those persons who  is not returnable.
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