Page 9 - Lewis
P. 9
8 Equipment Requirements
For determining "class" the length of a boat is the distance measured from end to end over the deck excluding sheer. It means a
straight line measurement of the overall length from the foremost part of the vessel to the aftermost part of the vessel, measured par-
allel to the centerline. Bowsprits, bumpkins, rudders, outboard motors and brackets, and similar fittings or attachments are not to be
EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENT An effective means of controlling the backfire flame of all gasoline engines installed after April 25, 1940,
included in the measurement.
For additional information see "Recreation Boating Guide" (CG-340) or inquire at any Coast Guard Boating Safety Office.
Minimum Required Equipment
(16 feet to
(26 feet to
(40 feet to not
(Less than 16 feet)
(Less than 4.9 meters)
more than 65 feet)
less than 40 feet)
less than 26 feet)
(12.2 meters to not
(7.9 meters to
(4.9 meters to
less than 7.9 meters)
less than 12.2 meters)
more than 19.6 meters)
except outboard motors. Backfire flame arresters must be Coast Guard Approved.
At least two ventilator ducts fitted with cowls or their equivalent for the purpose of properly and efficient-
Boats built before
over after April 25, 1940, using gasoline as fuel or other fuels having a flash-point of 110° F or less.
August 1, 1980
At least two ventilator ducts for the purpose of efficiently ventilating every closed compartment that con-
tains a gasoline engine and every closed compartment containing a gasoline tank, except those having
VENTILATION ly ventilating the bilges of every closed engine and fuel-tank compartment of boats constructed or decked
permanently installed tanks which vent outside the boat and which contain no unprotected electrical
Boats built on
August 1, 1980 or later devices. Also, engine compartments containing a gasoline engine having a cranking motor must contain
power operated exhaust blowers which can be controlled from the instrument panel.
One approved Type I, One approved Type I, Type II or Type III device for each person on board or
PERSONAL Type II or Type III PFD for being towed on water skis, etc.: and, in addition, one throwable Type IV
FLOTATION each person aboard or device.
DEVICES (PFDs) being towed on water
skies, etc.
Must say Coast Guard
Approved and be in servicea- Class A and Class 1 Vessels reference children under 6 PFD law.
ble condition, properly
stowed and the proper size Note: A Type V hybrid PFD may be substituted for a type I, II, or III device but it must be actually worn whenever the
vessel is underway and the person is not in the cabin or other enclosed area.
Every vessel less than 39.4 feet (12 meters) in length Every vessel 39.4 feet (12 meters) but less than 65.6
must carry an efficient sound producing device. The feet (20 meters) in length must carry a whistle and
BELL, WHISTLE sound producing device need not meet any particu- a bell. The whistle must be audible for 1/2 nautical
lar specification, as long as the vessel can produce mile. The mouth of the bell must be at least 7.87
the signals reguired by the Navigation Rules inches (200 mm) in diameter.
VISUAL DISTRESS Must carry approved Must carry visual distress signals approved for both daytime and nighttime
visual distress signals use.
SIGNALS for nighttime use.
(Required on coastal
waters only.) Note: All boats carrying six or fewer passengers for hire must meet these requirements also.
At least One B-I type approved hand portable fire At least Two B-I type At least Three B-I type
extinguisher. (Not required on outboard motor- approved portable fire approved portable fire
FIRE boats less than 26 feet in length and not carrying extinguishers; OR At extinguishers; OR At
EXTINGUISHER passengers for hire if the construction of such least One B-II type, least One B-I type plus
Must say Coast Guard motorboats will not permit the entrapment of approved hand portable one B-II type approved
Approved and be in explosive or flammable gases or vapors and if fire extinguisher. hand portable fire extin-
serviceable condition
fuel tanks are not permanently installed.) guisher.
Note: When fixed fire extinguishing system is installed in machinery space(s) it will replace one B-1 type portable fire
A toilet, or head, is not required. If one is installed it must have a U.S. Coast Guard "Certified" Marine
TOILET Sanitation Device (MSD) or a no discharge holding tank attached to it.
We further suggest that you equip your new vessel with an anchor and a sufficient amount of line, a de-watering device such as a
bilge pump in the event of flooding, and an alternative means of propulsion should your engine fail. If the above equipment require-
ments and suggestions are met, then you may be eligible to affix a Florida Marine Patrol or Coast Guard Auxiliary Safety Decal on
your vessel. For more information, contact the nearest Florida Marine Patrol Office.
NOTE: Passenger carrying and other commercial vessels have slightly different and/or additional requirements. For information, call
your local Marine Patrol, Boating Safety Section or the U.S. Coast Guard.
CERTIFIED refers only to lights which meet the standards established in ABYC A-16